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How Metaverse will Challenge the UIUX Design Experience



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"Metaverse" we all are aware that it is undeniably our future that is drastically bringing change in our present. We have seen many movies, played many video games, discussed a lot about how things in our surroundings will be greatly affected by the introduction of a Metaverse

We are currently witnessing a gradual shift in our relationship dealing with technology. It won't take long for us to update our understanding of how digital design will advance.

With hundreds of design companies developing or rather innovating metaverse in their own unique way, it will come down to the designers who have to work day and night to make their visions a possible reality. Yes, we have to think about design from completely new vision glasses. So, let's get started with exploring how metaverse will affect UIUX design.

We should start by defining each term individually, which will in fact construct a strong base for understanding this dynamic nature:

What is Metaverse Actually?

You can say that it is your usual internet, but outside of its hardware. Imagine a world where you do not have to connect to the internet, but you can experience living in it with your own unique virtual identity. As a famous saying "Today, I think we look at the internet, But I think in the future, you’re going to be in the experiences" -by Mark Zuckerburg October 2021.

Metaverse, a digital world where you can perform all your day-to-day physical activities, without actually moving from one place. Be it buying, selling, shopping or even playing games, all in a digital environment.

We cannot talk about metaverse and not mention MarkZuckerburg & Facebook, can you believe the world was unaware of the term metaverse before October 2021, when Mark rebranded its company name to "meta" and announced that the aim in now to create metaverse, a virtual reality, as soon as possible.

The emergence of this concept, as expected, attracted a lot of major international investments because it expressed how it is going to completely change our experience of going "online" & how will we communicate with virtual reality. It is now that the UI UX designers have to work towards making it possible for all to use!

Let's Understand what UIUX is

To put it in simple words, UX means User Experience which explains the experiences of the user while interacting with online platforms or services of a brand. A UX designer is basically focusing on the user experience journey while using the service rather than how the design will appear. They are responsible for smooth operations for a company!

UI is referred to as User Interface which defines the overall appearance of the product/service of the brand or company.The aim of a UI designer is to make the overall visual experience as attractive as possible for the user, by adding a color theme, easily accessible buttons to the design of the brand. 

How Metaverse will Challenge UIUX Design Experience

Before computer machines came into existence in the early years, it brought in a change, a new way to work and function, if human-computer to technologically advanced UXUI phase marked a change and introduced a new real world, then with the emergence of metaverse we will experience a new world, where computers will export us to multiverse.

It's all the result of human brain evolution, that we now witness and are a part of these shifts, rather a revolution. Designers have to come up with never thought of designs and experiences. As of now a good design comprises of intuitive, easy to use and understand interface, along with it being a sweet treat to the eye, the appearance.

Now when we say the design has to match the idea of Metaverse, it should be an immersive experience. It is not just a genre of sci-fi movies; it is now considered as inevitable, something which will eventually happen and will change how humans experience digital verse!

"Virtual reality was once a dream of science fiction. But the internet was also once a dream & so were computers and smartphones" - by Mark Zuckerburg

Metaverse could unfold new ways of storytelling, as virtual identity, the mode through which we would live inside the metaverse has to be evolved enough to perform all the tasks. Therefore, the designers have to build a creative story base for the avatar to make sense

If you think of the Metaverse as an immersive web experience, UIUX designers will have to visualize & analyze stories in order to find meaningful, believable & efficient ways to combine all those experiences together.

While creating a digital reality, we cannot ignore  developing a healthy society, designers will not only need to understand how communities and groups of individuals behave in society, they will also need to understand what frightens them.

Because Designing for metaverse is going to create a totally new digital universe, the designers should make sure that they do justice to this immersive vision, they need to upscale their skill set & get comfortable around the new disciplines. They need to have knowledge from science to history to psychology and much more. They have to become jack of all trades and developer of all as well.

The Risks Involved for UIUX Services

While the idea of working on metaverse seems interesting and adventurous, we cannot ignore the risks, since it is still in development stage, there are certain observations made to determine the risks that can pose as challenges for UIUX designers, like, the risk of ownership& rights, since everything will take place online, the chances are issues like this might become a strong challenge.

While this seems like a risk as there are so many in the race trying to showcase their best practices, this makes it an opportunity as well for the community of designers to be the early ones to start with it.

This also brings along the challenge for designers to create a communication mode, which is the virtual identity to match the vision of the world they have created.

Furthermore, the designers have to create an immersive experience, they need to start initial sketches on 2D design and then later on upscale their 3D design skill to create a virtual reality look more real and not a gimmick. They can get help from platforms like Gravity Sketch and Tvori for educational resources.

In a Nutshell

With the introduction or rather excitement of metaverse becoming our future digital reality, there still are certain challenges that the designers who are actually responsible for making this dream of ours a reality, need to figure out. Upgrading their current digital design practices to understand and study the new disciplines needs rigorous research and hard work.


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